Its so cute to watch them struggle and try and crawl. I love these girls soooo much!!!!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Learning to Crawl
The girls are learning to crawl. They haven't gotten up and really moved anywhere yet, but they definitely try. Here are some pictures. 
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Life has been super crazy with my new job and trying to manage school and everything else in my life. However, we now have internet and so I can keep up with my blogging.
Halloween and the fall season so far have been a blast. The girls are getting so big. I have no idea where the time has gone.
The girls dressed up as little kitties for Halloween. We went Trick or Treating to a few houses around our block. The girls were a hit. I cannot believe how cute they are getting.
We are learning expressions. Mommy is very strange taking all these pictures.
We carved pumpkins at Grandma Hovey's house. It was alot of fun. Mommy made us a princess pumpkin. The girls love looking at lights especially coming out of the plastic pumpkin.
Emma is our little super cutie. She always smiles and makes faces.
This is the girls Fall picture. The are so photogenic. I love how they are both smiling in this picture. I am so blessed to have two beautiful daughters. Everyone will be getting a pic in the mail.
Halloween and the fall season so far have been a blast. The girls are getting so big. I have no idea where the time has gone.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Baby Update
Our lives over the last few months have been very hectic and blurred. The girls are growing so much though and so fast, I can barely keep up. They are so adorable though. They are now sleeping almost through the night. We put them to bed at 8:30 and then they sleep until 2:30. One night feeding is wonderful. They are such good babies.
I apologize for not updating sooner, but we are still working on getting internet in our house at this time and thus I am limited to either Scott's parents house or the library. I will do my best to keep everyone updated though. Below are some pictures of us and the kids.

Sunday, August 2, 2009
Life as a parent

My life has changed so much over the last four weeks. I cannot believe that Emma and Addison are already almost a month old. This last month has gone by so quickly and the girls have grown so much as well.
As I have gotten older my life has seemed to go by more and more quickly. However I know now, that it will continue to go by even quicker as I watch my little girls sprout up before my very eyes every day.
Life in the Hovey household has adjusted to a schedule of feeding, wake time, and sleeping, with the ever present need to change diapers. I am pretty sure we have calculated that we go through at least 36-40 diapers a day between the two of the girls. Overall though the girls are great. They sleep well most of the time and wake up only once or twice during the night, at which point Scott and I rotate to take the feedings. We have it pretty much down pat at this point. I have people tell me that they don't know how I handle two, since they always had problems with just one. In response, I think that I have just adjusted to the two and since I have never known any different, it just comes naturally for me. You do what you have to do, and when you can't figure it out, you do the best you can.
All of Scott's family have been so helpful and wonderful with the girls. It has been nice to be able to get out and do my errands when I need to, and to have help when the girls have their doctor visits.
I want to thank everyone for their gifts and congratulations, and all the love and support we have received from our family and friends. We love you all.
Its been Forever and a Day!
To all my friends who read my blog. I apologize for not posting any pictures or updates in the last couple of months. Life seemed to get very hectic once I started to feel my pregnancy woes, and then deliver the girls. Its even crazier now that they are staying awake more and growing bigger every day.
So for the specifics on the girls. Addison and Emma Hovey were born on July 7th, 2009 at 5:24am and 5:41am. They were 5lbs 9oz, and 5lbs 6oz, and each were 19 inches long. There were no complications, and both girls were born healthy and happy.
I was successful in carrying the girls to week 37, which is really good for a twin pregnancy. I was ready to have them out though, so they came at the perfect time. I gave birth vaginally, and from the time my water broke till delivery it was about 12 hours. I pushed for 30 minutes and they were out. Funny thing was though the placenta weighed more than the girls at a whopping 6 1/2 lbs. Insane if you ask me. Overall though I was blessed as far as pregnancy and delivery are concerned and had a fairly easy time of it. Thanks to all for your prayers thoughout.
The girls and I are home now and are doing well. We are all adjusting to our schedules and Scott and I are getting used to our lives as parents. It amazes me how much your life can change in just a few days. I couldn't ask for a bigger blessing.
I will do my best to be better about blogging and posting pictures from here on out.
Monday, May 4, 2009
House and Life Changes
Scott and I are blessed enough to have found a house to move into. The house is a short sale house though and we have been dealing with alot of frustration with trying to get it closed so we can move in. Being 28 weeks along, I really am just ready to get into a house and settle down before our little bundles of joy come along.
We are lucky however that we have been able to get inside the house and do some work on it. While I am not working right now, due to a slump with the temp agency placements, I have been painting my little heart out and trying to get the house in shape. It's definitely coming along, and will hopefully be ready for if the house closes this week. I hate waiting games. Like many other women in my family I am a planner and like to know what is going on and the timeline that I have. Needless to say, this is not the situation I imagined, but I am trusting that everything will work out in the timeline that God wants.
I have another appointment tomorrow, my last ultrasound, so I will write about the girls tomorrow. We are healthy though up to this point, just a little tired from all our hard work.
Scott and I appreciate all your thoughts and prayers. We love you all.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Tiredness is back!
So this last week, I have really noticed my level of being tired at the end of the day has increased exponentially from what it has been. I know it is to be expected once you get closer to your third trimester, I just wasn't anticipating how overwhelmingly exhausting it would be, but then again I do have two little munchkins in there.
The girls, Emma and Addison, are doing great as far as I can tell. I have another appointment with my doctor on April 7th. They are kicking up a storm and I can actually see it now on the outside of my tummy when they kick. Its so amazing the beauty of life. Overall, with the exception of me not gaining weight, (The babies are fine though.), and being very tired, we are all doing well.
Scott and I are getting more and more excitement as the time gets closer. I have been blessed to have such a happy and healthy pregnancy thus far. Keep Emma, Addison, and Scott and I in your prayers as the weeks go by.
Love you all!
The girls, Emma and Addison, are doing great as far as I can tell. I have another appointment with my doctor on April 7th. They are kicking up a storm and I can actually see it now on the outside of my tummy when they kick. Its so amazing the beauty of life. Overall, with the exception of me not gaining weight, (The babies are fine though.), and being very tired, we are all doing well.
Scott and I are getting more and more excitement as the time gets closer. I have been blessed to have such a happy and healthy pregnancy thus far. Keep Emma, Addison, and Scott and I in your prayers as the weeks go by.
Love you all!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Sorry for taking so long!
So I have been a horrible blogger these last couple of weeks. I have been super busy with life and everything esle going on. We are trying to figure out for registering, and waiting on news about the house. Its all kind of crazy. This week at school I had two tests, but thankfully, I will be on Spring Break next week, so I will have a little bit of a reprive.
I am getting to that point in my pregnancy, where i have begun to get tired easier again. I am not liking it as much because I need every ounce of energy I can get just to get through the day.
We are making progress though on all the baby stuff and are trying to organize our lives as much as possible. Its kind of crazy though that out little girls will be here in 15 weeks. Ahhhhh... where in the world did these last few months of our lives go. I think I will enjoy the break from work though and staying home with the girls. It will definitely be a change of pace I will have to adjust to. Scott and I are getting very excited though, and look forward to the birth of our adorable little ones.
Well I hope everything is well in the rest of the regions of the world where everyone is reading this from. God bless!
I am getting to that point in my pregnancy, where i have begun to get tired easier again. I am not liking it as much because I need every ounce of energy I can get just to get through the day.
We are making progress though on all the baby stuff and are trying to organize our lives as much as possible. Its kind of crazy though that out little girls will be here in 15 weeks. Ahhhhh... where in the world did these last few months of our lives go. I think I will enjoy the break from work though and staying home with the girls. It will definitely be a change of pace I will have to adjust to. Scott and I are getting very excited though, and look forward to the birth of our adorable little ones.
Well I hope everything is well in the rest of the regions of the world where everyone is reading this from. God bless!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Giving up my little Fur baby
So this past week Scott and I have been making more serious attempts to find out little fur baby a new home. Neither of us really want to see her go somewhere else, but we are also realistic and know that with two little babies, we would not be able to provide her with the care and love she deserves. I have been very sad though and have been having alot of trouble coping with it. But Scott has been good and his parents are keeping the dog for now until we find a good home for her. Scott is taking her for a trial run at a families home who is looking for another dog... I hope it works out, but I will miss her dearly. She has been my baby up to this point and I feel as if I am giving my little baby up. I know I will have two more actual babies soon who are going to need me even more, but its still a little rough at times. Keep us in your thoughts that we find a good home and deal with our missing her.
I have another ultrasound at the beginning of this next week on March 10th and we will be finding out the sex of the babies. Exciting times. I will try and keep everyone posted. Love you!
I have another ultrasound at the beginning of this next week on March 10th and we will be finding out the sex of the babies. Exciting times. I will try and keep everyone posted. Love you!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Bump Update
So since all of my family is across the US right now, and can't see what I look like on a day to day basis, I thought I would post a picture of me and my bump and some of the ultrasound pictures. I will try and be more computer savvy in the future and post with pictures. Hope you enjoy!

Full Body shot of Twin A

Head shot of Twin B

Waving to everyone (they are very active babies)

Full Body shot of Twin A

Head shot of Twin B

Waving to everyone (they are very active babies)
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Baby Update
I had another appointment today. The doctor indicated that everything seems to be going well. My blood pressure is low and since I am not complaining of any abnormal symptoms that the babies and I are healthy. The babies were moving around alot, so it took some time for the doctor to calculate the heartbeats. One baby was at 150, and the other was in the 140 range. When I first went in, they weigh you. I have only gained 5 pounds since the beginning of this pregnancy. I am trying really hard to eat all the time, but its difficult. The doctor didn't say anything so I guess its not that big of a deal, but when I looked online the average weight gain for how far along I am is about 8 to 10, and thats for one baby mothers. I know that I will probably continue to gain weight as the pregnancy continues along, but I don't want to feel as if I am starving my poor little ones. I even drink ensure to make sure they are getting the vitamins and nutrients they need. I guess I will just have to step it up a notch. Maybe I will start eating more ice cream. :)
Anyway, everyone is growing great and doing well. I am excited though becuase at my next appointment we get to see what the gender of the babies are. Scott and Scott's mom Kathleen are going to be there, so it will be exciting for everyone. The appointment date is March 10th. So Dad you better be praying hard for those girls if you want them before then. LOL. Anyway, I hope everyone's weeks are going well and everyone is doing great. Scott and I love you all and thank you for your support.
Anyway, everyone is growing great and doing well. I am excited though becuase at my next appointment we get to see what the gender of the babies are. Scott and Scott's mom Kathleen are going to be there, so it will be exciting for everyone. The appointment date is March 10th. So Dad you better be praying hard for those girls if you want them before then. LOL. Anyway, I hope everyone's weeks are going well and everyone is doing great. Scott and I love you all and thank you for your support.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Oh Emotions
I am unsure as to why I have been so emotional lately, but I feel like I have been crying every day. Whether the problem is a small as that I am hungry and am not anywhere I can get food, or whether Sadie is getting sick and I can't clean it up due to my sensitivity to smell. I don't know why this week is different than any other week, but perhaps its because the babies are getting older and there are more hormones flowing through my system. ITs kind of crazy and I feel like I have very little control over myself and how I respond to everything. Pregnancy is definitely a roller coaster.
Baby update. I have not been to the doctor this week, but I have been consistently been getting bigger around the waste. I swear I grow a half an inch a week. I can't believe how round I am starting to look. Its amazing what the body is capable of. I have an appointment this next week and will update everyone on what the doctor has to say.
Well I hope everyone else is doing well this week and making it through their weeks a little easier than me. Love you all.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
New Ultrasound
Scott and I went in for our second Ultrasound today. I was so glad that he was able to come with me this time. Its such a neat experience to be able to see the babies move and to see their little hearts beating. The technician said that they babies are very healthy and are growing proportionally which is good news. They are both really active, and I am feeling them move alot more often now adays. Its weird to think that they are getting so big. Granted, I know they have a lot further to go as well. Ugh... My body is going to hate me soon. LOL. Anyway, just wanted everyone who reads the blog to know that the babies are healthy and happy and hopefully next ultrasound we will be able to tell everyone what the sex of the babies are. Hope everyone is doing well. Scott and I appreciate your support and love. Thanks!!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Baby Movement
Although finding out we were having twins added some things to be concerned about regarding my pregnancy I have to say that there are some benefits as well. Scott and I did alot of searching and reading up on twins, since its completely different from having one baby. This weekend I read that with regular pregnancy you usually don't feel the baby move till about 17 to 18 weeks, but sometimes a little bit earlier. However, since there are two little bodies in a woman carrying twins, you can usually start to feel them move around 12 to 13 weeks. This was exciting to me, but I didn't necesarily think that I was going to feel them move that soon. Howver today at work I was walking around the office and I felt a little pressure and bubble like feeling in my belly, that was different from the other strange feelings you get throughout pregnancy. It was the most beautiful feeling in the world. Its crazy how feeling it makes it so much more real. I am starting to show more now, and am actually beginning to look more and more pregnant every week. One of my coworkers today said that when I came in today I actually looked pregnant now. :) I appreciate that now, but I am sure when my stomach is the size of a blimp I will want to return to the size I was before. :) Oh well. Just wanted to keep everyone updated. Hope everything is going well in everyone elses lives all over the world. Love ya!
Monday, January 12, 2009
New York
This past weekend, Scott and I traveled to New York to spend the weekend with his Cousins Allison and Mike and their two adorable little children. They actually live in New Jersey, but its just a short commute to NY city. It was a much needed vacation.
Since I have been to New York on a few occassions, we really didn't feel it was necessary to do all the sight seeing stuff that many people do on their visits to the city. We did however have tickets to see "Wicked" on Broadway. It was a great show, and we had tons of fun. I have to say though that much of our walking in the city was very brisk and thus the next day my legs were definitely sore. LOL. We spent much time with the kids and got some good advice from his cousins about baby stuff. As first time parents, who know absolutely nothing about children, Scott and I are always thankful for any helpful tips we can get.
I have to say though that I never understood how much a vacation can take out of you when you are pregnant. By the time we got home yesterday afternoon, I was ready to just pass out and not do anything for the next week except for sleep. But alas, I have work and other responsibilities. I did get a good nights sleep though and woke up somewhat refreshed this morning. I will just have to keep this new degree of tiredness in mind the next time I plan on going on a trip. Anyway, we had a blast and it provided some much needed relaxation.
Since I have been to New York on a few occassions, we really didn't feel it was necessary to do all the sight seeing stuff that many people do on their visits to the city. We did however have tickets to see "Wicked" on Broadway. It was a great show, and we had tons of fun. I have to say though that much of our walking in the city was very brisk and thus the next day my legs were definitely sore. LOL. We spent much time with the kids and got some good advice from his cousins about baby stuff. As first time parents, who know absolutely nothing about children, Scott and I are always thankful for any helpful tips we can get.
I have to say though that I never understood how much a vacation can take out of you when you are pregnant. By the time we got home yesterday afternoon, I was ready to just pass out and not do anything for the next week except for sleep. But alas, I have work and other responsibilities. I did get a good nights sleep though and woke up somewhat refreshed this morning. I will just have to keep this new degree of tiredness in mind the next time I plan on going on a trip. Anyway, we had a blast and it provided some much needed relaxation.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
The Heartbeat
So this morning I woke up with some cramps that to me seemed abnormal comopared to the ones I have been having on a regular basis. My first appointment with the Doctor I want to continue my pregnancy with wasn't till this next Tuesday. Scott and I are planning on going to New York tomorrow and I wanted to make sure there wasn't anything seriously wrong before we took the trek out there. The doctors office after hearing about my symptoms was amazing and got me in for an appointment at 12:00. After checking me over the Doctor said that I was just fine, and that I may be worrying a little to much, and to just relax a little. She did reassure me though that being overly cautious was something she often sees in first time expecting mothers. Anyway, during the appointment, the Dr. used a doppler and I got to hear our little one's heartbeat for the first time. Over the last few months it is sometimes hard to believe that I am actually pregnant. However, hearing Scott and I's baby's heartbeat made it so much more real. Its amazing how your heart leaps inside when you hear that precious speeding little thump, thump, thump. I can't wait for Scott to be able to hear it as well. Anyway, the appointment went well and she scheduled me for an ultrasound this next week as well. I am truly looking forward to seeing a picture of our little one. Well, just wanted to keep everyone updated. Hope your weeks are going well.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Rounding the End to the First Trimester
So as I come around to the end of my first trimester, I have to say that I am starting to gain some of my energy back. I have been completely exhausted for the last couple of months, so its nice to be able to wake up from a good nights sleep and actually feel rested. Although my energy level is getting better, my morning sickness/nausea continues to rear its ugly head. I have also noticed I am much more sensative to smells. I almost died walking from my apartment down the steps out to my car today. I am sure it didn't smell that much different, but to me it was as if garbage had been sitting there for days. Not a pleasant feeling. I cannot really complain though, becuase I truly have been blessed these first few months with not that bad of morning sickness.
I am back to work again. Horray!! I have been going crazy at home this last week having nothing to do. I am so glad to be back and actually doing productive things. I hope everyone had happy holidays. Scott ad I love you all
I am back to work again. Horray!! I have been going crazy at home this last week having nothing to do. I am so glad to be back and actually doing productive things. I hope everyone had happy holidays. Scott ad I love you all
Friday, January 2, 2009
It has come to my attention that more people than I realized have access to my blog. It was my intention through this blog to keep my family informed about developments in my life. Due to complications related to Scott and I being pregnant and the order in which we had planned on notifying people, I want to offer a sincerest of apologies to any who may have been hurt or offended. It was not our intention to let others outside of our immediate families know of the situation before others found out. I know that there have been individuals hurt becuase of this and for that I am very sorry, it was never my intention. I know that although this post may not even reach the eyes of the given recepients, I still wish to indicated my sadness in having hurt anyone.
Sincerely Apologetic.
Sincerely Apologetic.
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