Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bump Update

So since all of my family is across the US right now, and can't see what I look like on a day to day basis, I thought I would post a picture of me and my bump and some of the ultrasound pictures. I will try and be more computer savvy in the future and post with pictures. Hope you enjoy!

Full Body shot of Twin A

Head shot of Twin B

Waving to everyone (they are very active babies)

Both of the babies at 11 weeks old.

Me and my 17 week baby belly.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Baby Update

I had another appointment today. The doctor indicated that everything seems to be going well. My blood pressure is low and since I am not complaining of any abnormal symptoms that the babies and I are healthy. The babies were moving around alot, so it took some time for the doctor to calculate the heartbeats. One baby was at 150, and the other was in the 140 range. When I first went in, they weigh you. I have only gained 5 pounds since the beginning of this pregnancy. I am trying really hard to eat all the time, but its difficult. The doctor didn't say anything so I guess its not that big of a deal, but when I looked online the average weight gain for how far along I am is about 8 to 10, and thats for one baby mothers. I know that I will probably continue to gain weight as the pregnancy continues along, but I don't want to feel as if I am starving my poor little ones. I even drink ensure to make sure they are getting the vitamins and nutrients they need. I guess I will just have to step it up a notch. Maybe I will start eating more ice cream. :)
Anyway, everyone is growing great and doing well. I am excited though becuase at my next appointment we get to see what the gender of the babies are. Scott and Scott's mom Kathleen are going to be there, so it will be exciting for everyone. The appointment date is March 10th. So Dad you better be praying hard for those girls if you want them before then. LOL. Anyway, I hope everyone's weeks are going well and everyone is doing great. Scott and I love you all and thank you for your support.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Oh Emotions

I am unsure as to why I have been so emotional lately, but I feel like I have been crying every day. Whether the problem is a small as that I am hungry and am not anywhere I can get food, or whether Sadie is getting sick and I can't clean it up due to my sensitivity to smell. I don't know why this week is different than any other week, but perhaps its because the babies are getting older and there are more hormones flowing through my system. ITs kind of crazy and I feel like I have very little control over myself and how I respond to everything. Pregnancy is definitely a roller coaster. 

Baby update. I have not been to the doctor this week, but I have been consistently been getting bigger around the waste. I swear I grow a half an inch a week. I can't believe how round I am starting to look. Its amazing what the body is capable of. I have an appointment this next week and will update everyone on what the doctor has to say. 

Well I hope everyone else is doing well this week and making it through their weeks a little easier than me. Love you all.