Thursday, February 5, 2009

Oh Emotions

I am unsure as to why I have been so emotional lately, but I feel like I have been crying every day. Whether the problem is a small as that I am hungry and am not anywhere I can get food, or whether Sadie is getting sick and I can't clean it up due to my sensitivity to smell. I don't know why this week is different than any other week, but perhaps its because the babies are getting older and there are more hormones flowing through my system. ITs kind of crazy and I feel like I have very little control over myself and how I respond to everything. Pregnancy is definitely a roller coaster. 

Baby update. I have not been to the doctor this week, but I have been consistently been getting bigger around the waste. I swear I grow a half an inch a week. I can't believe how round I am starting to look. Its amazing what the body is capable of. I have an appointment this next week and will update everyone on what the doctor has to say. 

Well I hope everyone else is doing well this week and making it through their weeks a little easier than me. Love you all. 

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