Thursday, October 23, 2008

Final Preparations for the Move

So as I get ready to move, I have begun to realize I have way to much crap for my own good. How does one person acquire so much over a period of four years. I don't even have kids and yet I feel like I have so much stuff. I can't imagine what it will be like when I get married and have kids. It amazes me that even though I do not buy lots of things, I still manage to gain property. Its like it just magically appears in my house, and takes up space.

As I look at the pile of belongings in my foyer, I think to myself, how in the world is all this going to fit into my new place. I know from my experience moving that everything finds a place and it never is crowded, but homey. I just don't see it that way right now. Oh well, it will all work out.

I am excited to live someplace new, I just hope Sadie feels the same way. I think she is going to have to be in the crate for awhile until she can adjust, and until we can get things settled in. I may even ask her grandparents to watch her for a little bit. We will have to see.

Anyway, thats my blurb for the weekend. I will let you all know how the move went after the weekend.

Have a great One!

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